With convenient functionality as a fax machine and as a photocopier, the Sharp FO-5400 is a useful office tool, elegantly designed. Using genuine Sharp consumables ensure that its results are always at their best.
Function, results and longevity
Our genuine Sharp FO-5400 Consumables are designed especially for their model, and get your office the best results from it. Working harmoniously with the machine from the moment of installation, their smooth, safe function is one that your office can always rely upon. It can also rely upon the results, however: sharp, crisp and professional faxes and copies are duly produced with every job, ably handling long, voluminous orders and short, quick tasks with equal proficiency.
Their efficiency provides another selling point to these consumables. With toner yields of up to 1,500 pages, your waste and downtime is kept to an absolute minimum, and the cartridges' low operating temperatures likewise reduce energy costs and downtime alike.
In stark contrast, generic consumables offer none of these considerations. On top of their poor results and volatility, there is serious potential to harm your device: they are not covered by warranty and should not be installed.
Smooth changes
When it is eventually time to change the toner cartridges, following the straightforward, illustrated instructions will ensure that you can do so quickly and easily. Ensure that your new cartridge is thoroughly shaken before use, and that your empty items are recycled afterwards.
Brilliant functionality
With high speeds and resolutions of 203 lines per inch (horizontal) and 98 lines per inch (vertical), the Sharp FO-5400 is a worthwhile choice for your office. High paper capacities of 650 sheets provide a useful counterpoint to the page yields of the consumables - ensuring that your device runs smoothly, efficiently and without frequent interruptions.