Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Computer Risk Management Limited is the owner of Printerland ‘the brand’.
Trading as from our office in Altrincham, Cheshire, we have 56 staff and a turnover in excess of £50 Million.
What is the Modern Slavery Act?
This act which came into effect in 2015 requires commercial organisations operating in the United Kingdom, with a turnover in excess of £36 Million to produce a statement which details what that company is doing to ensure that nowhere, within its own organisation or in its supply chain, the abhorrent practice of using modern day slaves or any worker, be it adult or child, has been forced, without their consent to labour for a supplier of goods or services to our company.
How can we ensure this is not happening?
Education is always the starting point.
All of our staff have the legal right to work in the United Kingdom and are aware of their rights and responsibilities not only as employees but also as citizens of a civilised society to ensure that they also play their part in highlighting any risks, in relation to this act, in our supply chain.
This is not just a matter of emailing risk assessment forms and ticking boxes. This is about changing our mindset to be vigilant.
How can we do this?
This can be in general day-to-day communications or simply monitoring the web for news.
We have also introduced an ethical procurement policy which includes making our supplier aware of this act by inserting, where possible, the following clause into our supply contracts:
The supplier shall ensure that it is complying with the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015) and is implementing an appropriate system of due diligence, audit and training to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its supply chain.
Our risk
My role as Managing Director within this company is remarkably varied and over the years I have visited many of the factories that supply the goods that we sell, whether this is in Japan, the United States or here in the UK. Additionally I have visited many of the Distributors that play a vital part in our supply chain.
Nothing I have ever witnessed has given me any cause for concern. On the contrary all the staff I have met have all been content in their occupation and appeared to be very pleased to be working for their respective company.
Additionally, Computer Risk Management Limited does not operate in high-risk sectors or locations that would expose our company to this malpractice. However, should we find any evidence in our supply chain that this may be occurring we would immediately seek to terminate our relationship with that supplier.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of The Modern Slavery Act (2015) and constitutes our Slavery and Human Trafficking statement for the financial year ending 2021.

Graham Vickers
Managing Director