Your FAX L290 can save you time, money and effort when combined with performance-enhancing Canon FAX L290 Fax Machine Consumables from Printerland. Order your replacement ink from the range today to benefit from great prices and super-fast delivery.
Power through work
Quality Canon FAX L290 Fax Machine Consumables are built with efficiency and your specific device in mind, which means they can keep your L290 operating at optimum levels, maximising productivity in your home office or small business and preventing wastage in terms of time, money and resources.
The ideal fit
There are fax machine consumables out there that will fit your machine but they may not fit with your business objectives if their sub-standard performance means you are spending unnecessary time and money dealing with poor-quality results. Aftermarket consumables may even cause technical problems which require repair and may not be covered by your warranty.
Genuine Canon consumables, however, are designed to prevent malfunctions and therefore user interventions and downtime.
Prime ROI
These are also the premium choice if you want an outstanding long-term return on your investment. Delivering excellent yields, superior longevity and results from the first page to the last, genuine Canon FAX L290 Fax Machine Consumables are the best option if you need an unrivalled quality guarantee at the best possible price.
This low-waste, resource-maximising quality is also good for the environment, something which may be increasingly important to you and your clients or customers.
You can enjoy crisp, black text and defined graphics whenever you need your L290 to print or copy, which means you don't need to worry if you have a deadline looming or a client waiting for documents.
Performance enhancement
Confidence in your genuine Canon FAX L290 Fax Machine Consumables means you can fully appreciate the many benefits of your FAX, such as 64 greyscale half-tones to add definition and clarity, and a top printing and copying speed of six pages per minute.