Original Vs Compatible Cartridges
When purchasing consumables for your printer it can be easy to be lured in by cheaper ink & toner cartridges. Despite being more expensive, genuine consumables are always the best choice for your printer and the quality of your prints. This Printerland guide will help you to avoid the pitfalls of buying consumables.…

Epson Kindle Fire Compatibility Heats Up
Epson have entered the e-book printing arena with the announcement of their plans to support mobile printing for several of Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablets and digital readers.
One of Epson’s chief mobility heads was quoted as saying, “Amazon just gave mobile productivity a huge boost, enabling Kindle Fire users to go beyond leisure and entertainment and use their tablets to …
Printer consumables are often overlooked when considering a printer purchase. However, given their important role in ensuring the maintenance and functionality of your equipment, it’s clear that consumables rank highly on the office supply list of any organisation. Below are five facts that you might not know about this familiar, yet under-appreciated, printer accessory.…
Record turnover for Printerland as we reach £22 million
Printerland, the North West-based reseller of printers and inks, has posted its best annual turnover figures – reaching £22 million in 2012/13.
The company is now tracking ambitious targets to reach between £30 million and £32 million in 2013/14 – representing £1 million per staff member.
Co-founder and managing director, James Kight, said the 28.3 per cent year-on-year turnover increase …