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Printerland Blog

Man adding toner cartridge to printer

Why Do Printer Cartridges Dry Out?

If you’re a first-time printer owner, it’s important to get to grips with all the supplies you require.

Printer cartridges will be one of the first things on your list, but It’s important to recognise which cartridges are compatible with your printer first.

The ink in your cartridge is what you’ll end up seeing on your printer paper after a …

What Is Pull Printing and Would You Benefit from It

Every business would love to know how they can become more efficient, productive, secure and reduce less waste, all by installing a single piece of software. Pull printing is the answer, but what is it and how can it give your business all these benefits?



What is pull printing?

Pull printing is a printer feature that involves print

Why You Should Use Genuine Ink Cartridges

Some printer consumables claim to be as good as the manufacturer’s genuine cartridges. But often they do not offer the same consistency, reliability or longevity.

Laser printers offer the lowest cost per page on the market, so if you have bought one, you’ve already taken the best steps towards lower cost per page printing. These printers accept both original and …

How to Avoid a Printer Jam

Printers are some of the most essential tools for running a business. Whether its legal paperwork or the latest plans for a building, companies have the constant need to use a printer.

But have you even been in a rush when a paper jam has occurred? Read on to discover why this nightmare happens and how to avoid it.


A Guide To Sheetfed And Flatbed Scanners

No matter what industry your company operates within, it’s likely that you will need a high-quality document scanner to create digital files of physical documents.

However, there are different types of scanner that you may pick depending on your business’ requirements – sheetfed and flatbed machines.

In this article, we’ve shared the two main types of scanner and the difference …