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Printerland Blog

printing in progress

How to Save Energy When Using Your Printer

In a busy, fast-paced workplace it can be incredibly easy to overlook small energy-saving techniques.

While these may seem unimportant, in the long run they can all add up and increase your energy bill by a considerable amount. Not only is this wasted money – it will also have extremely negative effects on the environment.

You may not originally attribute …

Christmas party spending graph

Why Brits are spending big on their Office Christmas Party

Are you prepared to go all out for your office Christmas party?

Well it’s been revealed that the average British employee splashes out a staggering £150.28 on their office Christmas festivities.

Our latest survey found that the typical employee spends £53 on a new outfit and shoes ahead of the do. Whilst they’re there, on average workers spend £34 a …

Kyocera Printer

Kyocera ECOSYS FS-C8520MFP Review

Buying a new printer can be a daunting experience. There are a lot of factors to consider. Are you going to be printing in colour or mono? How much will you be printing? What other functions do you need?

Knowing what features you’d like to see on a certain device can act as a step in the right direction, and …

A man using a printer

Four of the Best Office Printers

A printer is a key component of any workplace, so choosing the right one is a very important decision from a financial and productivity standpoint.

With so many different types of printer on the market, choosing the right one for your office should take a lot of consideration.

Depending on what sector you’re in, you may require different functions from …

Three Reasons to Swap Your Old Devices for a Multifunction Printer

An outdated device can greatly slow down productivity in your workplace.

If you’ve noticed that your device is running slower than it used to, and in turn, is resulting in less work being produced in your office, it may be time to consider swapping your printer for something more modern and time efficient.

An all in one printer is one …