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Printerland Blog

How offices can go ‘green’ with Kyocera ECOSYS multifunction printers

In the modern era, the impetus for businesses to ‘go green’ is stronger than ever.

Companies are now taking issues like climate change seriously, often making the small changes they can to benefit the environment.

However, reducing your carbon footprint and creating a greener workplace isn’t an overnight job. It’s a continuous task that requires dedication from everyone involved in …

A Guide to The Most Common Printing Terms

The world of printing is an extremely extensive one, with countless devices, technologies and practices to keep up with.
When purchasing a new printer for your business, you’ll want a model with tonnes of great features available to utilise. However, if you are searching our website and coming across printing terms that you don’t understand, you might find it hard …

Guy using computer at desk

Quick Fixes for Printer Problems in Windows 10

Updating your PC is a great way to stay on top of the latest technology, fix bugs and get access to brand new features that will avoid your business getting left behind.

However, along with all these brilliant benefits, a new update can bring a few troublesome hitches.

These problems can sometimes occur in the form of printer problems, which …

Five Top Tips to Create Business Cards

In the digital age it’s easy to neglect old forms of communication and salesmanship.

Whilst email marketing campaigns, advertisements and social media are a fantastic way to promote your company, business cards remain one of the quickest and simplest ways to put your company in the mind of others.

They may seem old fashioned, but business cards are never affected …