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Epson’s New Cartridge-Less Printers Could Last Up to Two Years Without a Refill

Epson L555

Last Updated on June 15, 2020 by Christian Ralph

Epson have a new printer containing a refillable ink tank in place of traditional cartridges.

In a move which will reduce the cost and environmental effect of producing cartridge bodies, Epson hope to make the ink-replacement process far more efficient.

This could see the printer brand completely overhaul its business model, with the domestic printers predicted to retail for a price starting at £249 compared to the £70-£80 high street prices of the brand’s current home printers.

Epson will be hoping customers will recognise the potential for long-term savings when investing in these printers complete with refillable tanks. For households producing a heavy volume of printed copy, the new printers could lead to significant savings in the long-term. The Japanese firm has predicted that many consumers could save up to 60-65% of total spend when using a printer with a refillable tank.

The EcoTank L355 and L555 models are predicted to last the average home user up to two years before requiring a refill. Using one tank, the printers should be able to produce 4,000 sheets of black print and 6,500 sheets of coloured print before a refill is necessitated.

When empty, the tanks can be refilled using drip-free bottles which will be on sale for £8. The new system comes with a one-year warranty, giving extra guarantee to consumers concerned about adopting the new technology.

The printers incorporate a number of additional features to add efficiency to the printing process including WiFi connectivity and easy-to-navigate menus on the LCD screen. Both the L355 and L555 are capable of performing copying, scanning and faxing functions as well as the printing.

Epson have long been at the forefront of printer innovation, having first developed electronic printers in the 1960s as part of the company’s official timekeeper responsibilities during the 1964 Olympics. They’ve also recently developed the world’s smallest printer, which will go on sale later this year.

The technology involved in the refillable printer has been used by Epson for a number of years but these models represent the first roll-out to the home-user market.

Take a look at our full range of Epson printers or call our dedicated sales team on 0800 840 1992.

Image credit: Epson.

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