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The Best Portable Printers Of 2020

Mobile phones aren’t just phones anymore, they’re pocket processors that boast the same capabilities as desktop computers. And while computers themselves have become increasingly portable in recent years, it’s high time portable printers caught up with our desire to utilise tech on the move.

In this short guide, we’ve collated some of our top portable printer picks for 2020 and …

How To Choose The Best Home Office Printer

In the digital age, so many businesses are starting off in a home environment, whether individuals starting a freelance career or small companies finding their feet while avoiding office overheads.

Working from a home office can be a great choice for minimising your costs, but there are hidden downsides that you might not think about until they happen.

For example, …

pagewide printer

How HP Printers Are Reinventing Security

As a business owner, it’s imperative to be cautious about the security of vital documents in your workplace.

Printers receive documents from multiple devices, posing a threat to company security.

Hacking is still a major issue for businesses, so you’ll want to keep yourself protected at all costs to stop sensitive information being stolen or leaked.

Recently, HP launched a